
Topic: Metropolitan Governance and Cities X


Collaborative Governance and Metropolitan Planning in South East Queensland - 1990 To 2010: From a Voluntary to a Statutory Model

Governance     Metropolitan Governance and Cities     Planning, Development and Open Space Management     Shared Services and Regional Collaboration     Structural Reform
This report provides a brief history of metropolitan planning in SEQ from 1996 to 2010, focusing on the factors behind the move from a voluntary to a statutory planning model and drawing out the lessons for other states and multi-level planning regions from the analysis.
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Published: 28/03/2012 Program: Research and Policy Foresight


Second International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance - Summary Paper

Metropolitan Governance and Cities
A summary paper of the Second International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance held in Brisbane in August 2010.
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Published: 01/03/2011 Program: Governance Improvement

International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance - Summary Paper

Metropolitan Governance and Cities
A summary paper of the International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance held in Sydney in December 2009.
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Published: 01/03/2011 Program: Governance Improvement